Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks:
Stories and Lessons for Grown-Ups

Piggy Banks to Wall Street
Our podcast brings you the best and brightest minds in FINANCIAL EDUCATION.
Guests range from people who educate kids, to people who educate financial professionals. Our goal is to helps simplify the complex world of finance.
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Preview of Episode, 10 where J. J. interviews himself.
J. J.'s interview with himself, author of Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks: Stories and Lessons for Grown-Ups.
Preview of J. J.'s interview with himself, the author of Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks: Stories and Lessons for Grown-Ups.
In this episode, J. J. shares how the idea came about, as well as the biggest challenges in deciding to write the book and build a platform.
Preview of Episode 8 with Kimberly Sulfridge,
Founder and CEO of The Kidz Money Project
Host J. J. Wenrich's interview with Kimberly Sulfridge, Founder and CEO of The Kidz Money Project, an organization that helps parents with tools, information, and resources to create money-smart kidz.
In this episode, Kimberly shares her inspiration for creating The Kidz Money Project and why she feels financial education in the home is so important.
You can learn more about Kimberly and The Kidz Money Project at www.thekidzmoneyproject.com.
You can follow TKMP on Instagram (@thekidzmoneyproject), Facebook (@thekidzmoneyproject).
You can also follow Kimberly on Twitter (@kesulfridge) and Linked In (@Kimberly-sulfridge).
Preview of Episode 9 with Mike Prusinski,
Co-Founder and President of Busy Kid
J. J.'s interview with Mike Prusinski, Co-Founder and President of Busy Kid, an app and debit card for chores, allowances, and money management for parents, kids and teenagers.
In this episode, Mike shares stories of how Busy Kid has helped both youth and adults become better at saving, investing, and even sharing their money. You can learn more about Busy Kid at www.BusyKid.com.
You can follow Busy Kid on Instagram (@getbusykid), Facebook (@BusyKid4Allowance), Twitter (@busykid16), LinkedIn (@busykid).
Preview of Episode 7 with Scott Glasgow,
Founder and CEO of the non-profit, FinMango.
Host J. J. Wenrich's interview with Scott Glasgow, Founder and CEO of Fin Mango, a non-profit dedicated to solving the financial exclusion problem.
In this episode, Scott tells us his the story of how a conversation with a professor inspired him to create an international non profit dedicated to financial inclusion.
You can learn more about Scott and FinMango at www.finmango.org.
You can follow FinMango on Twitter (@finmango), Instagram (@finmango), Facebook (@finmango.org), Linked In (@finmango) and YouTube (@FinMango).
You can also follow Scott on Twitter (@mangoscott_) and Linked In (@sglasglow).
Preview of Episode 6 with Sammie Joseph-Fredericks,
Author of Financial Literacy Books for Young Children
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Preview of host J. J. Wenrich's interview with Sammie Joseph-Fredericks, author of multiple children's books dedicated to financial education.
In this episode, Sammie tells us her personal story as an immigrant from Liberia as well as a Mom and wife. In doing so, she shares her inspiration for writing and publishing her books and starting her social media platform.
You can learn more about Sammie and her books at her website, www.sammiefredericks.com, or follow her on her active Instagram account, @TheMoneyTeachingMom. She is also on Facebook (@TheMoneyTeachingMom).
Preview of Episode 5 with Victoria Khaze, creator of Money Munchkids
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J. J.'s interview with Victoria Khaze, creator of the Money Munchkids curriculum for financial education.
In this episode, the always entertaining and energetic Victoria tells us the inspiration behind creating the curriculum, as well as the painstaking details that went into creating it in a manner that is inclusive to all kids.
You can learn more about Money Munchkids at their website, www.MoneyMunchkids.com, or follow Victoria on her active Instagram account, @MoneyMunchkids. She is also on Twitter (@MoneyMunchkids), and Facebook (@MoneyMunchkids).
Preview of Episode 4 with John Seib from Electus Global Education
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Host J. J. Wenrich's interview with John Seib, president of Electus Global Education, creator of the soon-to-be-released Life Hub Learning Center.
In this episode, John tells us what makes the Life Hub Learning Center the most innovative and complete solution for the Financial ILLiteracy crisis in our country. He also shares “Why” his team is so committed to their mission of solving this crisis for ALL families.
You can learn more about the Life Hub Learning Center at their website, www.LifeHubLearningCenter.com, or follow John on his active LinkedIn account, @john-seib-cfei-4a90453. The Life Hub Learning Center is also on Twitter (@LifeHubLearning), Instagram (@LifeHubLearning), and Facebook (@ElectusGlobal).
Preview of Episode 3 with Art from FlexCents.com
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Art is author of the blog FlexCents.com
Art is a physical therapist by day, and a finance blogger in his off hours.
In this episode, Art tells us his inspiration for creating FlexCents.com and shares his journey towards financial independence.
You can learn more about Art at his website, www.FlexCents.com, or follow him on his active Twitter account @FlexCents, as well as his Instagram (@FlexCents) and Facebook (@FlexCents).
Preview of Episode 2 with Mac Gardner
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Mac Gardner is the author of two books on financial education and has received high praise for his children's book, The Four Money Bears.
In this episode, Mac tells us his inspiration for creating The Four Money Bears and what he's learned from being involved in financial education during his illustrious 20 year career.
Mac is also creator of "The FinTech Bullpen", a contest sponsored by eMoney Advisor to create a financial literacy app.
You can learn more about Mac and his book at his website, www.thefourmoneybears.com, or follow The Four Money Bears on Instagram (@FourMoneyBears), Facebook (@TheFourMoneyBears) and LinkedIn (@the-four-money-bears). Mac is also very active on Linked In (@MacGardner).
Preview of Episode 1 with Sam Renick
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Sam Renick has been actively advocating for teaching kids about money for over 20 years. We affectionately call him "The Godfather of Youth Financial Education" for his status as a father figure in the #FinLit movement.
His character, Sammy Rabbit, makes it easy for anyone to teach kids about great money habits though story books, songs, and other tools.
In this episode, Sam tells us his inspiration for creating Sammy Rabbit, shares great advice for how to teach kids about money, and gives his opinion on the current state of youth financial education in America.
Follow Sammy Rabbit on Twitter (@SammyRabbit1), Instagram (@OfficialSammyRabbit), and Facebook (@OfficialSammyRabbit). Sam is also very active on Linked In (@SamXRenick).
Learn more about Sam's two books, It's a Habit Sammy Rabbit and Sammy's Big Dream, as well as his songs, tools and "Dream Big" educational events at www.SammyRabbit.com.
Episode 0
Intro to Piggy Banks to Wall Street Video with Raad Ghantous
Raad Ghantous is the host of The Raad Life on OC Talk Radio and the founder of Golden Seal Productions.
Shortly after our book was published in 2019, Raad reached out to J. J. to be a guest on The Raad Life.
The two quickly became friends, and eventually Raad convinced J. J. to put his own show together.
They were meeting for coffee one day in their mutual hometown of San Clemente, CA, and Raad showed up with a golden microphone and a green screen to give one final push.
We are incredibly grateful to Raad for his support in all of our endeavors!! THANK YOU RAAD!!
Click to view our EPISODE LIST.