Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks:
Stories and Lessons for Grown-Ups
Favorite Financial Literacy Resources
We receive no compensation for these recommendations.
Investor Showdown
Investor Showdown is a fun game for kids and adults that rewards the investor mentality!
Our family loves playing this game! It is a little bit like Monopoly, only it doesn't take all day to play, and it teaches more practical investing lessons.
It is inexpensive ($9.99) and supports a small business.
Learn more at www.investorshowdown.com.
Build Your Stax

We are HOOKED on this FREE game from the nonprofit Next Gen Personal Finance.
It simulates a 20 year period in the markets, giving the user the ability to allocate across multiple assets, while receiving a income and dealing with periodic random expenses.
You can play solo against the computer, or you can put a group together.
From the developers: “In the game, we tried to use real data as much as possible or base our numbers on similar data when historic details were unavailable.
We’ve collected data from 1980-2018. Each game session covers a randomized 20-year segment within that span. In addition to each game using a different starting year, we randomize which stocks, commodities, and index are selected for that time frame, providing replayability and a true sense of market variability.”
Play it at www.buildyourstax.com.
Busy Kid

Our family has used the Busy Kid app for many years and we even discussed the app in our book.
Since then, we've gotten to know the co-founders Mike Prusinski and Gregg Murset and developed a great relationship with their company.
The app allowed our kids to get debit cards at a young age, and automated our "Chore and Allowance" process.
It is a great app to teach the kids money management and includes features that encourages kids to "spend, save and share" their money.
Our family was even featured in a news spot on San Diego 10News in 2019 talking about the app.
You can see the video by clicking THIS LINK.
You can learn more about Busy Kid at www.BusyKid.com

Grandpa's Fortune Fables
Grandpa's Fortune Fables is perhaps the most comprehensive collection of financial education stories available.
A delightful read, author Will Rainey manages to weave life and money lessons into stories that make "cents" for all ages.
Grandpa's Fortune Fables teaches its lessons in a non-condescending manner that helps readers feel the psychology at play when all of us interact with money, but does do gently with playful stories and metaphors.
Learn more at BlueTreeSavings.com
Money Munchkids
Victoria Khaze has created a variety of products for parents to use at home to help their children learn money management and financial education. The Money Munchkids home education products are secular and made for all learning styles.
Products Include:
Financial Education Curriculum
Financial Education Games
Digital Activity Books
Financial Educational Accessories
and more!
Learn more at www.MoneyMunchkids.com.
Life Hub
Learning Center
We recently signed an agreement with Electus Global Education to help create educational content for their AMAZING new product, the Life Hub Learning Center.
Life Hub inspires and empowers children with practical hands-on learning using real money and real business engagements, activities and tasks every day.
Life Hub is not a toy, game, online program or study courses with questions and answers, it uses real-world engagement and practical learning in a way that is inspirational, educational and highly effective but also fun and captivating. Children will love the real-life activities and tasks as they learn to manage
their lives like grown-ups every day.
Life Hub becomes a child’s money manager, business partner, teacher, personal advisor, mentor, life helper and future builder.
Learn more at www.lifehublearningcenter.com.
Luc and DeeDee's Money Adventures
Sammie Joseph-Fredericks is an up and coming Children's Financial Literacy author that we are thrilled to call our friend.
Her first two books, Grandma's Special Gift and Spending at the Fair are wonderful additions to any children's books library.
You can learn more about her books and her mission at www.SammieFredericks.com.
The Four Money Bears
Our good friend Mac Gardner's book The Four Money Bears teaches the four basic functions of money.
Join Spender Bear, Saver Bear, Investor Bear, and Giver Bear as they teach us ways to use money.
When they work together they learn to build a budget and teach each other how to better manage their money today and for the future.
Sammy Rabbit
Sam Renick is “The Godfather” of Youth Financial Education.
He created Sammy Rabbit in 2001 to champion his mission, and to take aim at making it fun and easy for anyone to shape kids’ habits, thinking and feelings about money, at an early age, BEFORE children formed a crippling relationship with money that could haunt them their entire lives.
Learn more at www.SammyRabbit.com.
The Balancing Act

Budgeting and living within your means can be hard. This book makes it easier.
Author Dave Baldwin is a financial advisor and 20 year veteran of the financial services and investment industry.
We have been friends with Dave for over a decade, and it was he who first encouraged J. J. to write Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks: Stories and Lessons for Grown Ups. The two of them are former colleagues
You can learn more about Dave's inspiring book at www.thebalancingactbook.com.

Money Man Helps
Dimitris Magemeneas, aka "Money Man", is a financial advisor and professor of finance in the San Diego area. He is a former client of J. J.'s from his corporate days who quickly became a close friend.
It was Dimitris who gave J. J. his first deadline for finishing the draft manuscript of Teaching Kids to Buy Stocks: Stories and Lessons for Grown Ups.
Dimitris has a great book covering the foundations of a solid financial plan titled The Five P's of Money Management.
In addition, his website, www.moneymanhelps.com has a host of free resources to help you get started on your own financial plan.